Use "vascularise|vascularised|vascularises|vascularising" in a sentence

1. Vascularised nerve grafts using composite Arterialised neuro-venous systems

2. Nucleus pulposus is an Avascularised tissue, and contact with the vascularised subchondral bone is suspected to provoke a serious inflammatory response [28]

3. A comparative study between mammalian vascularised and Avascularised retinas has shown that in both cases neuroglobin is associated strongly with mitochondria

4. The nucleus pulposus is an Avascularised tissue, and contact with the vascularised subchondral bone is suspected to provoke a serious inflammatory response

5. The main stem cell niche is localized in the limbus that forms the border between the Avascularised cornea and the vascularised conjunctiva

6. Answering this need, Israeli researchers advanced a previously used method for the development of anti-cancer treatments, the vascularised Chorio-Allantoic Membrane (CAM) of the chicken egg.

7. However, it is generally agreed that endothermy first evolved in non-mammalian synapsids such as dicynodonts, which possess body proportions associated with heat retention, high vascularised bones with Haversian canals, and possibly hair.

8. The plantar Aponeurosis or plantar fascia as it is more colloquially known is a flat sheet of thickened, poorly vascularised and poorly innovated, deep fibrous connective tissue of the foot which can measure between 2.2 and 5.4milimetres (Cardina, Chhem, Beauregard, Aubin, & Pelletier, 1996).

9. Corticoperiosteal flap: Avascularised tissue flap from near the region of the knee that can be used to vascularise a critical-sized bone defect Critical-sized defect (CSD): A wound in a particular bone that will not spontaneously heal during the organism’s lifetime; or that will not reach greater than 10% bone regeneration within the duration